Wednesday, March 4, 2009

i'm the hero!

Sitting in a class full of French people speaking French way too fast, exchange students hardly participate in class - it is just too scary to say something in French for fear that people will look at you and your poor French... so it seems..

and today in class, I rose my hand and answered a question of my teacher (what risks can occur with companies following a low cost strategie...? *zzzZzzzZZz*) wow my heart was pounding reeeeally fast, while raising my hand, but I somehow managed to respond 3 phrases in French fluently, yeah... I'm the hero!!!! hahaha

Anyways - so I just got back from the Karaoke. It was a lot of fun! Oh my gosh we sang that one Chinese song and I couldnt believe that I was actually in France... (way too many Chinese (or Chinese speaking Singaporeans/Canadians or whatever ;) ) exchange students here!)
so the song is: Tong Hua from Guangliang, it's about a fairy tale prince, aww it's such a romantic song!
We were screaming that song into the mic!

enjoy!!! :)

P.S. I am sooo looking forward to Saturday: IKEA!!!! and partying in Paris!

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