The night started out with a party at J.'s place.
It was an awesome appartment on the 30th floor with a very cool view over the city.
I was pretty astonished when I opened the door to the appartment. At least 35 foreigners jumped into my view.
I have only been here for a week, but it already felt weird seeing all those German, French, Italian, American cramped into one place, talking in their various languages but Chinese... in fact all the Asian people at this house party were from France or in my case from Germany ;)
It reminded me of my ERASMUS days back in Paris. Man it's been one year... time's just passing by so fast.
We had a pretty good kick-start at the party and at 2 or was it still 1? -I don't remember to be honest we went to Mint again and partied until 3 or was it 4? ahhh I really can't remember!
Anyways here are some impressions from Thursday, the club is really cool, we even got the business card of the manager, so next time we can just contact him if we want to go to Mint

powered by our friends from, who work couple of floors above our office
The part of the night which made the night legendary was actually after clubbing. So after having spent 2 hours in McDonalds again with all the migrant workers, who were sleeping in McD.
we had the crazy idea to go to the Bund with a cab. I mean why not right? It was 6:30 a.m., already getting light, and there is generally nothing else to do at 6:30 haha.
We were standing on a bridge to see Pudong with the Chinese Pearl TV Tower as there was construction work done at the Bund for the Expo2010.
But after standing on the bridge for a while, it got so cold that we came up with the idea to just randomly take a bus and see where the bus would take us. So after a long night we got a pretty cheap inofficial tourist city trip. I just looooove to do those spontaneous stuff!
That's how we winded up til 8 a.m.... I was glad when I fell into my bed.
i'm still tired. but it was worth it :)
it is very nice to see your blog filling with stories about your life away from germany :-)
I wish you all the best for your first stop in shanghai... and welcome home ;)
greeetings from frankfurt (-4°C and snow again)
hier sinds zwar 6 grad... aber mindestens gefühlte -10 grad oO
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