These weeks have been pretty intense and I lived at the verge of life...
But the most important insight so far has been:
In Shanghai I am finding myself again.
Every day I meet someone and I talk to him about life, love and his view on the world. It surprises me how differently people can think about things and this helps me to reflect over my own principles and my perception of the world.
Here in Shanghai I get encouraged to pursue the things I truly love, and that those things do have a value. Before, I got convinced that drawing, painting, playing music and writing were not worth much.
It did not mean anything to the world I lived in. It did not get appreciated by the ones I loved. Instead other things like certain internships got highly valued and I was respected for these achievements, although their true inner value is only marginal to me and I am accepted and respected for the wrong reasons. I want to be respected for the talents I have and for the person I am and not for performing well in certain areas.
I think in our modern world with a redundant flow of information, we sometimes lose focus on the things we truly want, and pursue the goals which are generated by society. It becomes much harder to stay the person one is and not to try to be someone else.
Il faut toujours écouter de ce que le coeur dit...
Here in Shanghai I finally have the epiphany that some things of my past need to change and I am doing my best to do so.
Tu erst das Notwendige, dann das Mögliche und plötzlich schaffst du das Unmögliche
I went to the wedding of my cousin (I've never met him before), here are some impressions.

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